Blog — L. E. Vancil

My Book Viral review:

From BookViral

"A conceptually impressive, high octane thriller, Radioactive by author Lloyd Vancil may be a work of fiction but it gives us characters and situations that have uncanny real-life parallels.  As readers, we are tragically familiar with the aftermath of terrorism and on a visceral level he taps into our inner most fears to deliver a gripping and pulse pounding narrative which keeps us on edge. The suspense feels familiar, yet there's a fullness of understanding that sets it apart. Thrillers about terrorism typically involve a linear story, but Radioactive has a life and logic of its own that in no small part is down to Vancil's meticulous research. The plotting is tightly wound, but rather than get bogged down in laboriously explicated motives Fosters character takes us through a kinetic series of escalating events that give us just enough to figure out what's going to happen next whilst taking us to the next level. He has a certain offhand appeal which makes him particularly endearing whilst his guilt and anger bring the real life ongoing war against terrorism into chilling perspective. 
The bottom line is that Radioactive is one hell of a thriller and a must read for fans of this ever popular genre. It is recommended without reservation." 


Blog — L. E. Vancil

I've been looking at Patreon as a way of putting my writing out there.  The idea is interesting, its a small donation monthly with rewards, sort of like Kickstarter or one of those but on-going.  Once you start a campaign on Patreon it continues until you take it down.  I think the way to make it work is with a following on Youtube or Facebook, G+ or something it's something none of those have.  Youtube makes $$ based on Adds.  Facebook can be adverts for your Amazon or BN page.  Patron is more a way for people to support your work on a regular "They will take it for your credit card" effort.  Like netflix or hulu.
I haven't opened my page there yet.  I don't want my writing to become a chore.  I want to write to tell stories.  Toe entertain me.  I don't need another JOB.

Blog — L. E. Vancil

Marketing my works as an independent author is scary and tedious, exciting and boring --mostly boring--, and an all around pain in the ass.  I like talking to readers about the story, the characters, the situations, the tedium of putting the people who drop their tales on my keyboard onto the electronic paper that is the word wide web.

Finding people to talk to or converse with seems to be an exercise akin to waving a red flag and screaming "Lookatme!!!!"  Three possibilities there.  They ignore you, -- most of the time; they love you -- congratulations two minutes of internet fame; the Internet Trolls scurry, slither, run, slide, stumble, glide, wriggle, or crawl over and try to tear you down so that they can feel better about their wasted lives. 

I like to think that my writing entertained, amused, or at least made a reader think.  Think about what? That's the question, isn't it?