Blog — L. E. Vancil

I've been looking at Patreon as a way of putting my writing out there.  The idea is interesting, its a small donation monthly with rewards, sort of like Kickstarter or one of those but on-going.  Once you start a campaign on Patreon it continues until you take it down.  I think the way to make it work is with a following on Youtube or Facebook, G+ or something it's something none of those have.  Youtube makes $$ based on Adds.  Facebook can be adverts for your Amazon or BN page.  Patron is more a way for people to support your work on a regular "They will take it for your credit card" effort.  Like netflix or hulu.
I haven't opened my page there yet.  I don't want my writing to become a chore.  I want to write to tell stories.  Toe entertain me.  I don't need another JOB.